Is Canada closing its doors?

In recent months, many questions have arisen about Canada's new immigration policies. With so many changes in 2023 and 2024, many wonder: is Canada closing its doors to those who want to study, work, and immigrate? In this article, we will explore the main changes and understand how they affect the plans of those who wish to live in Canada.

Changes for International Students

Increase in Financial Proof

One of the first significant changes for international students was the increase in financial proof requirements in January 2024. This financial prerequisite has doubled, requiring much more solid and stable financial planning for those wishing to study in Canada.

Cap on Study Permits

In 2024, for the first time in history, Canada implemented a cap on the number of study permits issued. This limit aims to reduce the number of international students for various reasons, including protection against fraud and improving educational and living conditions for students.

Stricter Requirements for Educational Institutions

Universities, colleges, and language schools now face additional prerequisites to be authorized to enroll international students. This means institutions need to meet more rigorous criteria, ensuring better quality education and support for students.

End of PGWP for Partnerships Between Private and Public Colleges

As of May 2024, students attending private colleges in partnership with public institutions will no longer be able to obtain the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). This work permit is essential for many who wish to gain work experience in Canada after their studies.

Restriction on Open Work Permits for Spouses

Another important change is the restriction on open work permits for spouses of college students. Now, only spouses of students in Master’s, Doctoral, or, in some cases, Bachelor's programs will have this option. This change impacts the family planning of many who wish to study in Canada.

Reduction of Temporary Residents

Currently, Canada has 6.2% temporary residents, which has put pressure on the country's infrastructure, especially in housing and public health. The goal is to reduce this percentage to 5% over the next three years, using various strategies such as limiting international students and reducing asylum requests.

Positive Outlook for the Future

Despite these changes seeming negative at first glance, they aim to improve the immigrant experience in Canada. The country continues to focus on attracting highly qualified individuals, especially in Master's, Doctoral, and high-demand fields such as health and logistics.

Additionally, the new immigration policies have focused on facilitating the transition from temporary to permanent residents, offering a more stable and secure long-term perspective for immigrants.

Check out our video where I explain everything happening in Canada in a simple and clear way!


In summary, Canada is not closing its doors but rather organizing the country to offer a better quality of life and opportunities to immigrants. If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, it is essential to stay updated with the new policies and prepare adequately. If you need assistance, Maritimes Immigration is available to help with planning and personalized consultations.

What Our Clients Have To Say


Marcia Santos


We are delighted with the support and service provided by Maritimes Immigration Consulting. Top-notch service! We will undoubtedly do the Citizenship process with them.


Rodrigo Soares


5-star consultant. Great and customizable service to answer exactly what you need. Also a great support during the process. Highly recommended!


Marcela Soto


(Translated by Google) Very happy and satisfied with Maritimes. Lucas has given us the best care, he was very patient and answered all our questions. The process was very orderly and we achieved our goal. Thank you very much.

(Original) Muy contentos y satisfechos con Maritimes. Lucas nos ha dado la mejor atención, fue muy paciente y respondió todas nuestras dudas. El proceso fue muy ordenado y conseguimos nuestro objetivo. Muchas gracias.

If you’re ready to embark on your Canadian citizenship journey and call Canada home, it’s time to book a consultation with Maritimes Immigration!

Please note that this text provides basic eligibility requirements. For immigration advice, we recommend booking an initial consultation with our regulated consultant or access IRCC website.


Immigrating to Canada: A Complete Guide


Requirements For Canadian Citizenship in 2022