Learn more about Atlantic Canada
The Atlantic region is divided into 4 provinces:
Nova Scotia
Population: 979,351
Capital: Halifax
Official language: English
Average temperature in January: -8C / 0C
Average temperature in July: 14C / 23C
New Brunswick
Population: 781,476
Capital: Fredericton
Official languages: English and French
Average temperature in January: -14C / -4C
Average temperature in July: 13C / 25C
Prince Edward Island
Population: 159,625
Capital: Charlottetown
Official language: English
Average temperature in January: -13C / -3C
Average temperature in July: 13C / 23C
Newfoundland and Labrador
Population: 522,103
Capital: St. John’s
Official language: English
Average temperature in January: -9C / -1C
Average temperature in July: 11C / 20C
Are you thinking about visiting, studying or immigrating to one of the Atlantic provinces?
Contact us today, we can assist you with more information about the region, as well as help you immigrate to Canada.